MAZOC ZDayZ 2018
Happy New Year MAZOC! A quick post to let folks know Deb and I are on tap to have the MAZOC Cabin 660 "Open for Business" as usual for ZDayZ 2018, we plan to be in Fontana Village the entire week starting Sunday afternoon/early evening (13 May) thru the end of ZDayZ on Sunday, 20 May.
Early registration results suggests this year may be a "thinner MAZOC crowd" than past years, and that's cool, but if you are planning to attend please shoot us a note with your planned attendance dates so we can properly plan for meals/food, drinks, etc.
All for now, hope everyone is having a great start to the new year, hope to you some of you at ZDayZ 2018!
OBTW, for you anglers, I am planning to tow the boat down again this year, so there will be a couple of days on the water looking for BASS! If you are interested in going out let me know and don't forget to pick up a North Carolina Fishing license - I'll have plenty of tackle with me if you don't have any.
2010 Z Roadster  A.S.S. (All Stock Stuff)