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Old 01-30-2018, 11:40 AM   #1 (permalink)
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Default CQuartz ceramic coating questions (only people who have done this please)

So I applied CQ UK this past weekend. We had no humidity and 60 degrees. My wheels are currently off the car as well and it’s garaged so figured perfect timing!

So I washed car throughly, striped all waxes and polished, clay bar all contaminates, polished entire car, washed again (to remove polishing oils) wiped the entire car down with a 70/30 IPA mix and waited a few minutes. Applied 1 coat of CQUK waiting about 60 seconds and then buffing off with all supplied material from CP, by the time I made my way around the car it had been about 30-45 mins and I applied 2nd coat (this time applying CQ and then immediately buffing off) , I then let the car sit for 24 hours to cure then applied reload spray (didn’t dilute it 1:1 and sprayed it right on and right off, didn’t have any issues with streaking and paint is super clear / clean looking) on silver car.

The car has sat another 24 hours and will probably sit for another 3-4 days before being exposed to any rain, dirt, road debris, etc so a total of 5-6 days to cure before being exposed to anything in about 50-60 highs (the garage is normally 5-10 degrees warmer) reason I bought UK since it cures it cooler weather faster.

My questions to my particular application, I couldn’t seem to find so I’m here to ask.

1) I know I didn’t apply the coating 100% perfect (first time , was nervous) lol , so I didn’t wait a full hour between my 1-2nd coat is that okay?
2) I waited 24 hours to apply reload (not 1 hour after ceramic coating) , is that okay?
3) I will be buying the 100ml or 500ml reload spray and deluting it 1:1 is that okay or do I keep it at its current property?
4) Also I was going to apply reload once a month, is that a waste or okay as I read its more of a 3-6 months application?!?!
5) Lastly, I read that Meguairs gold class wash & conditioner is a great cheaper alternative to reset, as it doesn’t have waxes or oils in it that will cover or mask the ceramic coating properties. True and okay to use this more cost effective wash?

6) Any other tips / tricks to maintaining ceramic coating or anything I did wrong (besides what I already know) for when I apply to my wheels & motorcycle? Thanks in advance!!
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