Originally Posted by motoextreme
You know what I find interesting?
The wide range of cars we all buy. I run into people that are hardcore chevy fans, hardcore ford fans but more then anything else it seems like the "sport car" guys are not so married to one brand but try out many brands.
what I'm saying is... Despite the wide range of cars we've all had, we now have Nissans (most of us anyway). Says a lot for Nissan. Seems the car has a cultlike following too with many of the 240-350Z guys sticking with the brand. Makes me like the car even more, no way I will ever sell this one and that's a huge statement for me 
I bleed Ford Blue. But I'm a car guy, so that doesn't stop me from appreciating a good car.
ZCarMan and I were talking about this at our Zs & Coffee meet yesterday. The guys that swear to one brand end up hating everything else and are just miserable. True car guys appreciate all cars and are generally much happier people!