Originally Posted by madwi

In the end, it is only money, you will make more. 
Sometimes I just have to believe that myself and move on, even though the wallet cries. I try to look at it like I am paying a pro the premium but my time and suffering will be minimal, that is worth a lot to me. 

I spend a lot of time just screwing around, so it's hard to argue my time is worth too much when I waste it so often. But easing my mental and physical anguish is definitely worth a lot to me. And the more money I make, the more I'm willing to spend on that front.
Turned out to be a 3/4" line that failed. New line is routed to the half bath and getting hooked up as I type this. It was only routed to the half bath halfway across the house, so that is good. Hopefully we don't find any other problems - current tab is only $2250