Originally Posted by gsjohnson08
Ya, that's what I realized would be much easier and cheaper. I am planning on drilling a hole in the top of the sending unit and mounting a rubber plug that I'll put 2 small holes in and run the wires through them to and from the switch. The holes will be undersized so hopefully there won't be any leakage. I've also verified the plugs can handle gasoline and won't deteriorate. I am also planning to put the switch in one of my dead spaces where the heated seat switches would go as I don't have heated seats. I think this should work out really well. It seems Z1 just needed to do a bit more engineering and they would have nailed a perfect and reasonably cheap solution to the fuel-starvation issue for road and track use.
Thread bump, because I'm pulling this trigger on a fuel starve solution before events start up again in the spring...
What's Z1's kit missing, or has as a potential deal-breaker?
Is it that both pumps are constantly running?