Originally Posted by Spooler
Just because it is legal doesn't mean you should use it. Put that stuff away
and save some brain cells for stuff that matters.
I appreciate you caring about my brain

. But to be fair, trying it for the first time in years has actually elevated my thought process in ways i couldn't have imagined. The level of clarity it's given me is incomparable to when I was free from any drugs or alcohol. I still don't drink or smoke anything else, so I'm not worried. Marijuana has not been linked to decreased brain activity in any testing.
On the current topic. As jhill just stated the spring rate is what should be the primary focus. All three of the companies in discussion offer optional spring rates and most likely fairly good dampers. The questions you should ask yourself OP... Are
-What ride height am I looking for ( a lower height will automatically require a stiffer spring rate all things being equal).
-Where am I using it most often and how much force will I be exerting on the tires (more lateral force will require more spring pressure to resist roll)
Last but not least - what tires am I using and how quickly will they begin to work. Stickier tires is the sole purpose behind total grip. The more grip you have the more pressure will be exerted on each corner during weight transfer. Additionally spring pressure will be needed to combat roll and weight shifting.
If you're not increasing your tire grip significantly and not decreasing your ride height much you can use a softer spring. That will allow your damper setting to be more relaxed.