Got it sanded.. took about an hour and a half. 60 grit paper knocks the filler down pretty fast and I was able to get most of it with a block.
Test fitted it after sanding and cleaning... Looking great.
Started cleaning up some of the bigger voids with some glazing putty... the dimple wasn't filled completely so I tried filling it with the putty. That part really is a job for another coat of filler but I am out of it and don't feel like going out to get more unless I absolutely need it. Most likely, if it drys through properly I will have to put on one more coat of it to get it completely level.
I also decided to glaze the portion that sits against the "bar" as you will be able to see it through that little void.
Hopefully will be able to sand, glaze, and sand one more time and be ready to cover. I also still need to test the seal.
There is a light at the end of the tunnel!