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Old 01-05-2018, 09:28 AM   #1 (permalink)
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Default Post Stillen Supercharger Issue (Jerky Driving)

Post Stillen A2A Supercharger Issue

Hey guys,

So I just wanted to explain an issue that I am having to see if anyone else has experienced this and if so how the bested the issue.

1. A jerking and bucking sensation in all gears when normal driving, light acceleration pedal action.

2. More so when attempting to calmly drive uphill.

3. Car lost all accelerator response and got the P1239 CEL(TPS) twice now.

4. Bouncing idle, anywhere from 18.0-11.0. It will hover in the 14.7 area and these randomly bobble back and forth to lean and rich.

5. Cold starts in the morning are terrible, car will attempt to turn over, sound like a cammed v8 and then die, unless I mash the accelerator that is, it will fire up fine then. (I believe this to be a cold cranking MAP and not related to the above, maybe)

6. When going highway speeds+ I get the same jerky and bucking feeling, and sometimes my car will actually randomly like kick as in picks up a bit of speed.

7. Sometimes when starting from a stop (redlight etc...) it feels as if I have a super delay in power, the car will move but not like it should, and then it will all of a sudden kick up to the right power.

8. Lastly, this may not pertain to the main issue too but when I pull in a parking lot per say, or my drive way in 1st gear and let out of the clutch and gas the car will start to intensely buck back and forth like it can smooth itself out.

I have ordered the newly revised Stillen extension cables in hopes that they fix my issue. Any other advise would be greatly appreciated!!

Thank you
Auto/Z Enthusiast - Mechanical Engineer - Fabricator - Do it for dale
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