I recently tried and failed to mount a replica ings on my 2014. I'm pretty unsatisfied with the current offerings for front lips for the face lift models and would like to see what the interest level is in something new. I'm really a fan of some of the options on the late model bmw m cars. The front bumpers have similar design to the z (low on sides and high in the center) and the lips I like fill in that negative space with a hybrid spitter/lip. My hope is that with enough interest, we can have a company, like
vicrez, start producing something new and better for the face lift cars. Below are examples of what I would like to see. Feel free to post examples of what you would like and lets start a conversation.
https://3a663eb0fef48c6d2d60-a88f8ebfcdb877ad223e888bfcb7f7ec.ssl.cf1.rackcdn.c om/900272_x800.jpg[/IMG]