With the power grid. The N.I.M.B.Y group. (Not In My Back Yard) Has already shot down over 4 dozen transmission line up-grades, new lines, and sub-stations in the last 10 years that I know of.
Wind and solar depend on gov't subsidies. Without that. They would not be cost efficient. They would operate at a lost. Nuke is the cheapest to produce electric, followed by natural gas, coal. Wind and solar are the most expensive.
I seen the truck video. And the comments from the truckers I have talked to. They all wonder if it will go 500,000 miles before needing heavy maintenance. And are scared of what a battery replacement would cost. They seem to think that the truck would be better suited to inter-city delivery then long haul.
Last edited by Rusty; 12-19-2017 at 06:47 PM.