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Old 11-27-2017, 12:31 AM   #1 (permalink)
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Default 370z automatic transmission fluid change schedule

Hi all!

I'm new here and trying to navigate the service schedule for my wife's 370z roadster.

The service schedule appears to say you should *never* change the automatic transmission fluid. I've read it's a "sealed system". This seems really surprising if true.

I had the car at the dealer and they said it was overdue for a fluid change and quoted $350 to drain and fill. This seemed insane to me (I've done oil changes myself and while I understand this is a bigger effort it still surprised me).

The dealer couldn't explain why the service schedule seems to indicate that the fluid doesn't need to be changed and is proposing a 20k mile/2 yr schedule.

So I'm here to ask the experts, what's the deal with the auto transmission service schedule? Obviously I can change the fluid but I don't want to do unnecessary servicing, especially if it's a dealer trying to fleece me.

For reference, the 2016 service schedule:

Page 14: "Automatic transmission fluid for 370Z and NV 1500/2500/3500 is maintenance-free."

Page 23: "3 Automatic transmission fluid except for 370Z and NV 1500/2500/3500."

If the fluid should be changed on a conventional schedule what's the deal with these "except for 370z" caveats and the "maintenance-free" term?

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