Originally Posted by The Dimer
Negan was a gym teacher before the apocalypse. There's a trade paperback calls Here's Negan that covers his past life. I don't remember anything about a helicopter from the comics, but there's one in Fear the Walking Dead and remember hearing something about a cross over, but they're on the other side of the continent so I have a hard time believing that's them.
Yep! It's not bad, it definitely helps give some perspective into his nature. Also, gives some nice backstory on how the Saviors came together and alludes to the Dwight-Dwight's wife-Negan triangle.
Oh, yeah -- I totally forgot all about the helicopter sighting... that might tie into the current series story arc, now that I think about it... not enough story has happened in the last few issues for it to be a foreshadowing of anything tho'.
But, as likely as not, AMC will just do their own thing with it.