Originally Posted by bcfromfl
I don't see the JWT flywheel option with the stage 3 SouthBend clutch. What is the weight? Sounds as if you endorse the quiet disk!
Yes. Loved the quiet disk. I bought the quiet disk stage 3 and the JWT 19 lb. flywheel separate of each other.
Originally Posted by Senna-F1
It's a CJM option when ordering a pump. I included it when I priced mine out. Thanks for being picky about this stuff. That's what Im looking for.
DeatschWerks Wiring Kit:
15' 12-AWG Wires
Relay & Inline Fuse Included
And injectors need some pigtails or something? Plug and play adapters. Ill get a price on those too and add it.
Yup, Plug and play adapters are $60 more. Well worth it if you ask me. One less thing to worry about effing up.