Am I gonna rub?
Currently have a 19x9.5 +15 (no spacer) up front. I have a 245/35 tire with slight stretch I’m at -3 Camber in the front. Pretty “slammed” I guess you can say only about 1” between wheel barrel of wheel and fender. Front & rear.
I did some research and found some guys running 245/40 +0 on a 19x9.5 at about the same height as me. Idk how. My question comes into play b/c I have a 19x11 +15 in rear currently at +5 due to a 10mm spacer and extended studs via Z1. Got the Z1 25mm (1”) spacers for rear as I have the room for it and it will put me exactly where I want if my measurements are correct in rear. Successfully putting me at 19x11 -10 rear. Which should fit perfect. So not worried or asking about that. But....
My current 10mm spacer I have and extended studs in rear I want to swap to my front. So I will be at 19x9.5 +5 on 245/35 in front and 19x11 -10 rear 275/35 !! I’ve seen it “done” and they say they don’t rub like crazy but I rub pretty good on inclines now on front only. With a 10mm spacer won’t I rub way worse? Or will the wheels camber in as suspension travel happens like normal and as wheel articulates in a turn it shouldn’t rub b/c well science. Idk I’ve had cars have credit card fitment and somehow not rub and seen people on here do it. But am I crazy?