Originally Posted by Jayhovah
Thanks for the explanation!
The bolded is what I would be after as my car is a fairweather DD (doesn't usually see rain...but #Florida so it happens)
The way you are describing it, though... the channels sound like something I could fab on my own with a little fiberglass as an add-on to the underside. I wonder if anyone has one of the said $$$ hoods that I could take a look at locally...
Not really worried about moisture, I just like the idea of not immediately having a filthy engine compartment every time I get caught in the rain.... point taken about defeating the purpose though. It will take some thought.
Rain guards are supposed to be removable, otherwise . . . whats the point? Put them on when bumming around in bad whether, remove them when you need to go fast
Rain CHANNELs, however . . . obviously are not removable if they're molded