Originally Posted by Rusty
Only a few places I've been have plugs for electric cars right now. By 2025, you will see more of them. By 2030, they should be very common. If you are using a public charging station. It will take about 9hrs for a full charge for a Tesla, and cost about 8 cent per mile. Oh........there will be push back on the electric car. Because of cost of the cars, range, and the time it takes to recharge. Just wait until people see the cost of a replacement battery! It's about 1/2 the cost of the car. 
Not to mention that disposal of the batteries is terrible for the environment. The environment that you're supposed to be saving by using a car that runs on electricity generated by coal, stored in batteries using heavy metals from strip mining. It's almost like people don't want to consider that their hippy golf cart is likely worse for the environment than a full size pickup once you factor in all the parts of the equation.