Originally Posted by Gianni
This is all moving to fast for me. Like how can you change to electric vehicles so fast?! It gives me anxiety. Rest In Peace gas engines. Rest In Peace my love and passion for Nissan. I'm still keeping my z34 forever. 60k miles on my 2012 and still very strong.
Only a few places I've been have plugs for electric cars right now. By 2025, you will see more of them. By 2030, they should be very common. If you are using a public charging station. It will take about 9hrs for a full charge for a Tesla, and cost about 8 cent per mile. Oh........there will be push back on the electric car. Because of cost of the cars, range, and the time it takes to recharge. Just wait until people see the cost of a replacement battery! It's about 1/2 the cost of the car.