Originally Posted by RonRizz
Switching tires may dramatically reduce your noise, particularly if they are worn.
9 month old michelin pilot super sports... We have crap roads here in Oregon, and even with the entire country now deciding to move here (why I don't know), the ultra imaginative geniuses that occupy our legislator has never had single moments thought about charging people directly moving here from out of state that now are adding wear/tear to our roads. Real easy: Out of state to new Oregon Drivers Licence/ID card = $1000.
Simple/easy/effective and we wouldn't be punching people in the face who are Oregon natives. Instead, we're getting toll roads in the next 2-5 years, as a "solution" to the problem, but the money WILL be diverted from road repairs to feed the "general fund" in which the legislator can borrow from in order to fund PERS shortfalls. Basically our Oregon legislator runs a failed pyramid scheme, yet most are in denial, especially the tax payers.
So, nobody on here has tried the g37 liners? How different are the two cars in the wheel well area?