Originally Posted by TreeSemdyZee
Nothing I like more than to be awoken early in the morning after a 13 hour day to the soothing feeling that the people you work with are complete brainless idiots that don't have a clue how to do their jobs.
Nothin' better. 
Same. Stayed wicked late last night imaging desktops, inventory management, and other fun things. Pure peace and quite. I just left a sticky note saying what I did and the users new password.
I planned to come in a little later this morning. Nope. 87 emails and 43 phone calls asking what the hell I did and why nobody can get into their desktops. Most of them even management to disregard the note I left on top of the emails I sent out earlier this week. I just hate people. It's as simple as that. If you're not smart, you're dumb. And I have no use for dumb people.