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Its that time of year where Rays is having huge deals before, during and after SEMA. Looking to order a set of Volks or Gramlights at a super deal and want the possibility of something extra?! Check out what we have going on
Giveaway valid for purchases on any Rays Engineering product(s) of $200 or more from October 9th to November 22nd. Contact us for a chance to win these Rays Master Dealer Prizes. All participants have a chance to win one (or more) of these top prizes:
Rays G-Shock Limited Edition Black Watch
Rays Snap-On Limited Edition 3/8" Impact Wrench Kit
Rays Collection Tin & Towel Set
All other participants will receive Kami Speed merchandise for taking part in the giveaway.
~~ Live raffle drawing will be done on December 5th, 2017. ~~
**You must purchase at least $200 worth of Rays products within October 9th-November 22nd to enter the Rays Give Away.
**For Every $200 spent, you'll receive 1 entry raffle ticket. For example, $1,000 worth of Rays products = 5 tickets.
**Give away starts at 10am EST on October 9th, 2017 and ends by 5pm EST on November 22nd, 2017. No exceptions.
**Gifts will be sent with your Rays purchase, unless already received prior to raffle drawing. Alaska, Hawaii, and International shipping not included.
**A copy of the raffle ticket number will be sent after the drawing along with your gift.
**Top gifts are limited supply. Only 1 of each is available to give away.