Originally Posted by Deqos
What does being young have to correlate with the fact that there hasn't been an update in a month and relating that to the fact that Evo-R does the exact same thing? So if it takes this long to make the mold how long is it gonna be before people are actually able to buy it lol, by that time everyone could have saved up for a carbon fiber vented hood.. But i digress, I hope the wait is worth it like you're saying it is. Ill hold you to it 
Obviously my comment was an over exaggeration however many of the younger generation want instant gratification...so as Chuck stated if you can't wait do something else. What is perplexing to me is some have stated that other options are out there but I see very few people using or touting those products. I simply have asked folks if they were interested in something different and the response was very positive and so we march forward.
Aslo recognize that this is a very busy time for motorsports on the west coast. Many championship are occurring during this tiime of year so John is extremely busy. While many are getting their cars ready for a winters nap we are in full track mode as the weather is just now getting optimal.
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