Originally Posted by semtex
To add to Frost's comments about possible long-term damage, if Nissan discovers that you've been putting in the cheap stuff when their manual (as well as the label on the inside of the fuel hatch) clearly states that you must use premium, kiss your warranty coverage goodbye (should you end up with a damaged piston type of problem).
But I want to take a step back and ask why you're even considering putting the cheap stuff in. Would you bring a child into the world without intending to provide for his/her nutritional needs? Or would you adopt a pet without intending to adequately feed it? Only irresponsible trailer trash does either of those things, right? So don't get a sports car if you don't intend to provide it with the fuel it needs either. Don't be the automotive equivalent of 'Octomom'!
Very well said.....I have always put nothing but 93 octane in all of my cars........it has more additives ....and is well worth the little bit of extra money !!!!