Originally Posted by Filth Biscuit
I did consider doing a clay bar on the glass, that only works if the glass is brand new and not pitted though lol.

Completely untrue. Based on that statement, I'm not sure you understand how clay works. A clay bar actually pulls embedded contaminants out of the clear coat on your paint. Same with the pitting on your glass. If there is pitting in your window so deep the clay bar is not working, then it sounds like you have chips that need repairing.
Originally Posted by Filth Biscuit
Ok so what is a "glass towel" lol. Just been using microfibers.
A glass towel is a specific type of microfiber towel with low pile and much tighter woven fibers. They will do a much better job than a standard microfiber towel when it comes to glass. Even cheap glass towels from the local auto parts store I find work far better than the high quality Eagle Edgeless microfiber towels I buy from The Rag Company.