Originally Posted by ZeeBabar
Fuzzy is right. At 69 years, I don't have much time left to drive low slung coupes. Among the cars I have had in the last 10 years are the 2002 Celica, the 2004 RX8, the 2006 350Z, the 2009 RX8, the 2010 Mazda Miata, the 2013 370Z (Black base), the 2014 Gunmetal sports 370Z, my current 2016 Mazda Miata and wanting to go back to a 370Z
I am not a pro gambler, I play Blackjack recreationally.
I am sad that some pass judgements without knowing me and begrudge an old man for having coupes on his bucket list. None of the cars were financed. I store my small casino winnings and explore trading my car, paying the difference from my wins, usually a few thousand each year.
Not to be a hater, but let's look at that list. It seems to me that you are spending time/money/effort to chase a car that will get you hot chicks... FFS man, I get it, but the only thing the young chickies want is a sugar daddy to pay their bills while they party it up at the club....and MAYBE give you a taste....
It's like Fuzzzy said, you are a fretter, always worried about the 'next' car, and apparently never happy with what you have. We don't begrudge or judge you on what you do, it's the constant 'what about this car?' that gets old. You said it yourself, you are 69 years old, can't you make your own decisions or do you require validation from others? If you require 'validation', that makes you insecure.
Attitude of gratitude, dude....