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Old 09-05-2017, 09:14 PM   #1 (permalink)
Filth Biscuit
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Default Window water spots!!!!!!!!! Holy S***!!!!

So a little backstory on my situation first, I guess....

My water coming out of my hose is extremely hard and alkaline (I tested it, I have an aquarium lol), and sometimes it get extremely hot in the middle of the day.

So when I am outside one lovely Sunday morning, meticulously washing my new Z with the most love and care, and i am finishing up, making sure not to let the water BAKE off my car before I have a chance to actually dry it, as it magically became hotter than Satan's taint, I think I did a pretty decent job getting to the windows especially dry in time.

Imagine my freaking surprise when I get in to drive somewhere, now being a little later in the day with a low sun, when I see it... The windows actually looked WORSE than when they were covered with 1 million bug corpses (lots of fun little bugs here too, keeps me busy). It was literally so badly water-spotted that it was like stained glass!

No store bought product I tried would even phase the nastiness that covered my windshield, not 'Invisible Glass waterspot remover', no fancy window cleaner, nothing.

One goat sacrifice, and spray bottle of half distilled water and half white vinegar later and I THINK it helped. I sprayed it on the windshield, waited a couple minutes, and went at the windshield with a bug sponge and some decent force, then wiped it clean. So I gotta say funny little things sometimes work wonders.

I am looking for a bit of advice: Besides the bug holocaust that happens every time I drive out of town that can't be helped, what can I do at home to keep these terrible waterspots off after a wash??? I don't really have the best means of hooking some fancy filter system up to my hose at the wall, but is there a product out there anyone has tried, or any kind of hose attachment that can filter and do whatever to the water that might help??
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