Originally Posted by Ventruck
inb4 the move
but one thing I'll say:
Look at modern economy cars now and everything they come with, and how fast they evolve and how disposable they've kinda become. Something as "standard issue" as the Camry has taken strides in detail.
If Nissan's actually working on a new Z, it's a lot to think about a car that will properly fit with time. Takes on newer sports cars is still all over the place. It's easy to cater to the consensus desires from a forum, but globally is a bigger problem.
Those of us that have run a business may understand the issues that face
Nissan.Regardless of the size of the business,most have to look at the overall
big picture. Or,in Nissan's case,just how big is the category that the Z is in
now &in the future?
Is it wise to use funds on this category vs say,SUV or pickups etc?
Add to the fact that car sales to the age group that used to breed
"car guys"(millenials)are dropping.
Think about when the Z33 came out in 2003. It was pretty much the only
game in town. Yep,a game changer. Soon many followed the leader and
the market has gotten very crowded.
I myself am very happy owning my present Z34 and my Z33.