I'll put it simple. The oem always try to save what ever dollar they can and in the past there have been engines shipped with non damped stamped steel pulleys (which were very light) and as said on the nicer models would get a harmonic damper. Today people will not tolerate a rougher engine so I can't even think of a car that doesn't come with a damper anymore or else you could bet they wouldn't ship it with one if they could get away with it. The example of the Nissan techs not saying anything really isn't a good example, you would be quiet surprised what you find at dealers these days and if you know anything about what is going on in the industry you would find most of the master techs and upper level techs are leaving the industry and dealers are hiring low wage and under qualified techs (trying to fill the shop with any bodies they can find). Go to that same dealer 6-12 months from now and walk the shop I'll bet you'll see about a 35-40% turnover, dealer anr a revolving door right now and thanks to flat rate of course they'll be willing to sell you whatever work you want especially CP work.