Last night I found the problem. A connector was not fully seated on the transmission harness that has the hookups for the O2 sensors. There is a single wire connector that goes up near the starter motor that was not seated all of the way. When it was fixed the car started up.
After I checked that the fuse and switch was good I knew it just had to be something simple and it was.
Thanks everyone for your input. You just never know what a problem is until you find the solution.
RJM pedal, Hotchkis Sway Bars, FI TDX, FOG Light, Z1 Slotted Drilled rotors, Stillen SC, Quaife ATB, Z1 Oil cooler, AEM Gauge Set, Galeforce gauge mount, Avant Garde M590 Hypersilver w/RE-11, TopgunZ A2A kit., ECUtek tuned by Seb: ROLL TIDE!