Originally Posted by mults
It may have something to do with the crown in the road. Try the same test on different roads to see if anything changes. If not, it's most likely the car... 
I've had it happen BAD on freeways with the ruts, so now I pick my battles more carefully as it's pretty amazing how fast it can pull you one way or the other.
Other than that, like others have said, have it looked at, and honestly, may as well go for some upgraded pads/fluid/flush. The dealer has flushed my brakes 3x in 3 years.
Honestly I wasn't happy with the brakes on this car (I mean, they are cool to look at...) until I went with the z1 2 piece rotors / ebc redstuff / motul 600 / lines, and I sat there and watched them flush them out because I'm convinced the dealership won't actually do this properly unless you are "that guy" so I had to be that guy that day, but now they finally stop better than a prius once warmed up!