Thankfully I didn't have any scratch from that.
Hotrodz, I went sideway into a curb. It was the first time I drive the car in a while. Before the incident I heard a metal sound, like a screw or something similar came out. It was my mistake not to check it immediately, but I am not sure if it has any effect on what happened. My speed was a little high, around 60 mph and my focus went somewhere else, and when I saw the street I found myself approaching a small roundabout at speed, tried to brake hard but the car went into ice mode, and the car went sideway to the curb. I had been told the lowered height could trigger the airbags.
Initial inspection, two damaged wheels, upper control arm snapped so hopefully the hub, brakes and suspension all alright, same applies to back, I may replace the hubs for peace of mind. Until I take it to the workshop I wouldn't be able to see underneath. I hope nothing happened to the chasis.
The only worry is the airbags, the ecu module which is troublesome, I already was planning to change the seats to racing seats, so I am not worrying about it, but the curtain one I think about fixing.
And this is the last photo of it at the track

I have until October to repair and hit the track again.