Originally Posted by Leingod
You're only 40. That's not even mid life crisis territory yet. Chill out and pay off the other damn cars first. It's a freaking 370z. Not a damn 911RS3 or some actual exotic. You'll survive with a VW and Mazda.
Or do what my dads girlfriend did. Start off in a brand new Jeep patriot. Realize it's a POS and roll over payments into a Jeep Renegade. Realize it's to expensive and roll over those payments in a Kia Sorento. Realize the Kia is a bigger POS and roll all that over into a Kia Forte. her payments are now $398 a month for the next 8 years.
Just food for thought.
Sounds like my first wife's uncle.
His problem was. He would get tired of them after 2 years, and trade them in on a new one. Never paying any of them off. Just kept rolling everything over.