Originally Posted by Hotrodz
We need to get the band back together...Pomona was pretty serial in that so many came from all over the US and Canada to celebrate the premier Z on this forum. Brother Galeforce thanks for the inspiration as we all seem to keep stealing ideas from each other and Scott your ride is rockin. You know I'm jelly because...Fugimura!!! I need more too...

My Brother from another Mother Mr. Bob
Mr. Scott's new build thread brought me back to the forum
For sure we all need to get together again Sir. Mr. Scott is planning on attending ZDayZ 2018.. This event is marked on my calendar.. This event would allow many of us to reunite once again.
Maybe we can get our Brother Mr. Rafael to come as well. We need his photographic talents for this special reunion
Bye the way Mr. Scott is the designated BBQ Pit Boss
I have every ones contact information from Pomona and have no problem reaching out to everyone.. Including Mr. John The Waffle King