No offense but deferring a car loan has to be one of the dumbest things I've heard. You're accumulating interest at a rate of $10-$20 a day, cumulative, i.e. your now paying interest on your interest. If I were you I would be working my butt off to make extra payments in order to get the loan the right way up.
If you can't afford the payments comfortably then you shouldn't buy the car, period. How do you think this country got into the most recent financial crisis? It was by doing exactly what you describe, deferring payments for as long as possible on things people couldn't afford.
Always ask yourself the following question. If I have to sell tomorrow will I be screwed? I.e. Never owe more than the car is worth.
I don't think I would have bought any type of new car on graduation unless I landed one heck of a job.