Originally Posted by MaysEffect
Whats the purpose of claiming the information is wrong without presenting any facts to your claim.
The speaker depth dictates the potential angle and curvature of the cone, if you reduce the speaker depth you reduce the potential cone depth. Less speaker depth means you inherently sacrifice the curvature of the cone. Changing the cone convexity can and will change the directional beaming of a speaker certainly in the low mids->high fq range. Lastly changing the cone depth changes the overall displacement of air. changing a number of factors can change the total displacement of air, but the primary contributors is the depth of the speaker and xmax of the voicecoil, and the depth of the cone. That was my point about shallow depth speakers which sacrifice both of these factors. A 6 inch wide by 6 inch deep cone will always have more cone area than a 6 inch wide by 1 inch deep speaker.
More of this is discuesed in this older topic
Speaker cone designs and their effects - Car Audio | DiyMobileAudio.com | Car Stereo Forum
Oh man.. Mays just said

I highly doubt OP needs to get that technical with speakers either way. He's building a relatively low budget system and he's working with an audio shop. I'm not even sure why the shop isn't handling all the details for him. It sounds like to me he needs to find a better shop.