Originally Posted by OldGuyFla
Welcome , there is plenty of great info here & you just need to have patience with your searches.
I'll give you my two cents on some of your questions.
The tow hook - that would be your choice, if you like on then leave it.
Blind spot mirrors - you will get different responses to this one. Some people say that if you adjust your mirrors correctly then you don't need the little blind spot mirrors. As for me I put those little stick on mirrors on every car I own. Gives me a little peace of mind about what is coming up on me.
Battery - Since this is a 2012 Z it would be hard to say just how long the battery has been in the car. It just might be getting old & needs replaced. Try giving it a good charge & see how it does.
As for the camera & the exhaust smell I can't help you there.
Thanks! I'm going to adjust my mirrors and see if this works for me. The car has 80,000 miles so my battery might need replacement. I'm going to get it tested soon along with other things. Really appreciate the help!