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Old 06-25-2017, 09:09 PM   #6 (permalink)
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Location: Houston, Tx
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Drives: 10 40TH 370Z KAV M6
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Default 2010 40th

I'm currently in the same boat as you with my 2010, I bought the car march 2015 and I've always used Mobile 1 5W-30 full synthetic oil (Bad idea). I did Autocross, HPDE, 1/4 mile and the ocassional runs to mexico, I always kept an eye on the oil because it would burn a little after really spirited driving and I had no oil cooler so it was to be expected.
Last march when i was changing the oil a week after a track day it was around 3qts low which i thought was a bit excessive so i started keeping an eye on it, come June it was 2qts low not as bad as before, then in September it was 2qts low after 1500 miles due to 1 night at the 1/4mile and some mexico runs all in the same weekend, so i topped it off. In December I did another oil change and installed an oil cooler which helped. Come oil change time in march the weekend after TX2K17 it was 2.5qts low due to 3 consecutive nights of mexico runs.
A friend suggested i try a different oil weight so a month ago, I did an oil change and I went with Castrol edge 0W-40 (European Formula) its been 1K miles and no sign of burning, i'll be doing a track day in 2 weeks then ill really know if it made a difference.
I found the TSB and my car falls in the VIN range my car. I bought my car about 2 years ago from a Lexus dealership also bought an extended warranty but its not a Nissan warranty, currently it has 77K miles so I don't even know if it will cover an engine with this much miles.
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