Originally Posted by Moonlitebiker
Interesting advice coming from a couple of kids who clearly have never raised children to adulthood, and definitely know nothing about my boy. My son is an honor roll kid headed for college and has excelled in sports for many years. The boy knows about hard work, honor, value, respect and what it takes to succeed. By the way, parents who wait until their child is 17 to try and teach lessons of value and hard work have missed the boat by about 16 years or so. And to try and teach that lesson by having them buy their own car... My guess is they will end up being the type of person who comes to a website and attacks a good father and his son. Shame on you.
For the rest of you who know what it takes to be a parent... it's been 24 days and he's still smiling. Me too!
I think you took what i said totally out of context and way too personally.
I never attacked you and your son, nor would i, re-read my post
again here is my point from my original post
"If my father had just paid for them both, sure i would have been real happy but i wouldn't understand the true value of working hard for your first big purchase, the very thing that gives you independence and freedom... when dad buys that for you it aint the same as when you buy it yourself"
We all know you love your kid to death, you sold your bike for him, thats hard for a man to do. I know everyone loves their kids to death and wants to give them the world, in the grand scheme of things giving your kid a car OR making them pay for it is not a life and death matter.
It would be smarter and much more beneficial for you and your kids if you put the down payment on it and make them pay off the rest, i don't see how hard that is to understand. He can work hard at school, college and still pay for his own car, i am doing exactly that...it ain't hard
This way you could have done what you originally came here to do, sell your beautiful bike, buy your 370z and just put the down payment on your sons car, it would be a win/win for everyone.
- Ty