Just finished installing the spl camber links on my Z..
after a good look from behind i noticed that the camber is dead even (per side), but sitting a bit negative and slightly visible toe ( im ocd i can see it!

Of note, the nut ( bolts near the brakes) didnt want to move. rather than strip it, i breaker bar'ed the bolt side and it got to moving without deformity to the bolt head.
I also gave it a good greasing at the joint... ( wish there was a boot of some sort for that bit. )
Also, the lock bolt kit i got from z1 was a good fit, but it didnt torque when i expected it to ( just kept going - no click from the torque wrench zzz) dunno if the washer is just getting compressed and ill eventually get it.. On the safe side, it was tight enough for a test drive, but im contacting z1 for torque specs on these bolts/washers.
all in all , easier than i thought it would be.
Next on the list, are the swift springs waiting to get put on... Looks like the rear will not be trouble, but the fronts will be involved...
THx Again