Spot free rinsing setup at home.
Here's my $81 setup I ordered off the internet. The hose on the right is for pre rinse and wash, the left side gives me the spot free final rinse she deserves. It's a two stage water filter setup. The first stage is a 5 micron sediment filter. The second stage is a water softener. When the water softener wears out, I think I'm going to try a De-Ionizing filter. I've seen some other similar setups, much more expensive at the warehouse box stores, then found this gem on a forum, for like Ferraris or Vipers, can't remember. I typically use a leaf blower on the head and tail lights and mirrors and such, run around the block, then work on tire shine, before going back in garage. I can disconnect the hoses on the filters, then lift the filters and bracket off the screws and put back in the garage for storage.
Last edited by Bugkillah; 06-07-2017 at 09:21 PM.
Reason: clarification