The Real, Evil Gremlin...
So... I received my oil cooler today and pulled the intercooler off to install it. In the meantime, I decided that I might as well change out the SC oil, just to see how it looks given my sound. The drain line was clogged. Not too big a deal, cleared it and holding on to the initial oil that came out of it to figure out what clogged it (not a lot of optomistic options...).
Once the oil drained, I re-installed the plug and put one bottle of SC oil into the unit. I begin to assemble my oil cooler bracket and I'm ready to mount it to the car. I look and see some SC oil, well away from where it should be, so I look for the leak. THERE IS OIL DRIPPING FROM THE CHARGE PIPE TO THE INTERCOOLER!..........
I'm kind of at a loss for words at the moment... Also in a little bit of shock and denial... Calling Vortech literally right now in hopes they can at least get me a quick turnaround on the unit...
Vortech thinks probably bearing/seal failure. Surprise surprise...
And this kids is how we learn very valuable lessons.
Wish me luck!!