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Old 01-18-2010, 05:48 PM   #755 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by bullitt5897 View Post
Photoshop 101: Color changing

Ok lets get started.
1) First I want you to mask off exactly what you want to color change with the selection tool.
2) Make sure areas like windows and what not are not selected.
3) Now copy and paste
4) now this new layer (we will call layer 2) needs to be changed to B&W. How do we do this? go to Image-Adjustments-B&W and hit enter *dont change any settings*
5) Now you have a clean B&W copy.
6) Double click the layer to apply an effect. choose color overlay
7) for dark colors you can use Linear Burn, Multiply, or Overlay (which every gives you best results)
8) For light colors like white use Linear dodge.
9) But wait its just a solid color thats right! while your still in the affects window you should see a slider for opacity for the overlay simply slide the opacity lower an lower until you get the desired color. I usually set mine close to 40-50% typically but it really depends.

GL and happy PS'ing
The method I tend to use is a quick mask to select all the obvious bits, and once I have that mask, I'll save it as a selection, and copy and paste the bits I want to change on a new layer. After that, it's a simple Image->Adjust->Hue/Saturation. Hit the Colorize checkbox and then play with the sliders until I find the right combination.
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