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Old 05-21-2017, 01:32 PM   #39 (permalink)
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Join Date: Jun 2015
Location: Toronto
Posts: 69
Drives: 2016 370Z Base 6M GM
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obender66 is on a distinguished road

Wow, this thread still alive. Sorry that I abandoned the thread.
Solution was expensive.
1) I replaced ALL fittings with Aeroquip. That solved fitting leaks, but at $35 x 4 plus work to take all apart and put back together.
2) Mocal core burst. I called Z1 and they informed me that Mocal is not good for Z because of spike in oil pressure on 370 cars at start up. They no longer offering Mocal core with that kit.
3) I ordered Setrab 19 row core and sent back Mocal core to Z1 for warranty refund. Incremental cost(net of refund) was about $100
New installation costs....don't want to talk about it

All work was done by very high end shops catering to track day crowd-I am not familiar with fittings/fluid lines to tackle it myself.

At the end all is working and no leaks.

I appreciate help from Z1, but they really need to look into what brand/quality fittings are used on their hoses.
tip: you have to use "shorty" oil filter with this kit, unless you have very tiny and burn proof hands and a LOT of patience
2016 370Z Base/Setrab/AEM/Uprev/M7 Japan/Magnaflow/Quaife/Wilwood/300 whp
2003 G35 sedan 6MT(good bye-after 15 years together )
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