Yeh Coming from the guy PayPal saw through you too not once... But twice huh bro.?!
Credit card frauders don't win to well either there do they.?
But I gotta give you props you tried
Hard to steal my money- but PayPal has your
Account on watch... so I'd be careful selling
Parts you do chargebacks on if I were you, just saying.!
No worries OP- I do right by "good" ppl.
I think you can obviously see that.
Chads just mad cause PayPal closed
His appeal after he lost trying to steal my money
From me recently... after he lost, he Appealed and lost
Again because PayPal doesn't accept giving ppl money
For just nothing.
I'm very Sorry suave- ppl get mad when they lose
Brother... cause they don't get everything they
Want to screw everyone to get to the top.
But I'm good for what I say.
My reputation speaks for itsel
This will sell soon.... one way or another bro.
You deserve it man.!
I apologize on behalf of sore losers suave...
That was totally uncalled for by him.
This is your thread and as you can
Tell all I've done is help vs Chad starting
Stuff on your thread.
Please except my sincere apologies
For this stupidity on your thread.
Oh and be careful- chads also trying to
Find other ppls address to put his
Car and tags in too as well.
Don't know why anyone would wanna
Do that unless they had something to
Hide. Hmmmm... food for thought.