One side of them has a locking pin built into the ball.
Not the pin you slip in and lock, but the other side.
Give Z1 a call... I called them the day
I was disassembling my car.
You'd literally have to take the hatch
Hinges off with the struts.
I got my front ones off but that was only
Because the front ones that stick
Permanently are on the ball supplied
You put where you remove the plastic
Clips at.
Rears... and fronts.. per Z1 once they lock in place on
One side you can't get it off.
I seriously tried, but it felt like I was gonna
Break the whole rear Z1 strut.
They said just let it go with the car.
And so I did.
If you guys know something Z1 doesn't.
Feel free.
I'd love to help anyone out, but after
I couldn't figure it out, called Z1 and
They confirmed that there was not gonna
Be any way possible... I said screw it.
The factory ones cost 3 times as much anyway... lol.
So feel free to chime If anyone knows
Any secrets that might help others.
Z1 should definitely have made
Removal much easier.
But again this is why I'm selling the
Oem ones and not the Z1 ones.
I'd be listing them had I gotten them
Thanks to all here for any help.