Originally Posted by carlitos_370z
Im very interested my friend! just want to see how much money I can save vs buying a FI TT kit.
I already have the GTR manifold with turbos on my Ebay watch list  If i dont buy those, I have a shop here on PR that have them and I know they can sell me a pair!
As of right now, I'm just missing the downpipes, air filters and welding the bov brackets on my intercooler piping. I'm just at about 4k spent (Inc. clutch and flywheel) and intercooler so I'm hoping my budget will just stay under 6~k with a tune.
Compared to the FI TT kit which is arguably the best kit out there, I'm still at less than half the cost of their kit.
Now don't get me wrong, If I could afford the FI kit, I would have gotten it as it takes way less time to install and less downtime. But saving more than 6k to be spend on doing way more modification is worth it for me since the Z isn't my daily and I did it in winter. Just wish I had started earlier
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Creator of the GTR TT Conversion Kit, NA Record Holder (401WHP)
Ecutek Master Tuner (VQ37, VR30, VR38, B58, S55, S58)