Originally Posted by marct
Thanks for the tips guys! Being that our dollars in the shitter right now, the FI kit is quite a bit more expensive than aam or gamma. I would love to go BP but he hasnt gotten back to me about the kit and I'm assuming it'll be a few months before one would be able to be shipped.Would AAM be a bad kit to go with? Good to hear about the Gamma kit as well, it seems like a solid kit and its nice to know that someone has had good luck recently.
Look at it this way....yes Fast Intentions is the most expensive but if you decide to go twin turbo you are paying for the best quality hands down and in a way paying for the best customer service you can ask for and i would gladly pay just for that alone. If you do want to save some money then there is no brainer than to go with Boosted Performance. Upside beside saving a bit of money is that the kit is of great quality and the customer service is pretty damn great too.