nice cars and DBaggery
So I am driving to get my oil change and my dealer is 60 miles away or so i normally enjoy the drive.
First cool car I seen was a super bright red mustang with big white stripes, this car can be seen a mile away. When he goes to pass me, he speeds up like crazy gets about 100 feet infront of me and hits his breaks real hard to slow down then merges infront of me, only to decide that the lane is to slow with in 5 seconds and merges back into the fast lane and drives away at normal speed. I did get to hear his v8 roar which was cool i guess.
Second car was a Porsche boxster and i was very slowly passing it due to I was on cruise control and nobody wanted to pass. As I was about to pass it and all of a sudden it leaped forward like a rocket, he either down shifted or pedal to the metal. Then he slowed back down and I passed, never leaving cruise control.
Third car was a Lexus IS F in bright blue, he was weaving in and out of traffic, left lane, right lane, left lane, right lane like CRAZY! Looked very dangerous but he was doing it like there was no tomorrow.
I didnt see any one in a civic behaving like this hehe.
Last edited by Forrest; 01-17-2010 at 06:24 PM.