Originally Posted by 2011 Nismo#91
People would have a problem if the 2017 Golf had the engine, interior, electrical, colors, sound, etc. from 1974. The Z's power plant is dated, Direct injection would help fuel efficiency and tuning and most cars are going turbo direct from the manufacturer these days. The sound system is still dated especially in appearance. Auto technology has changed alot since 2008 especially with driver aids that many find appealing.
Sound system and driver aids?....that is one of the reasons I sold my Hellcat and purchased a Nismo all that crap made me feel like I was driving a luxury car not a true sports car. I dont miss any of that fluff in my Nismo.
Plus power plant is not dated. Dated implies it is not as good as present engines. So how do you define good? MPG? True gear heads typically don't define an engine as better because it runs cleaner and has better MPG -that is for the ECO box lovers. Horse power coupled with reliability is much more important. So the Z engine produces good horsepower and has been proven to be able to handle more with forced induction without compromising reliability. However, direct injection produces carbon build up (along with other problems) which then leads to engine issues and expensive repair that must be repeated on an ongoing basis. I had the honor to help a friend of mine repair his DI carbon build up with a walnut shell blasting ..messy, and a true PITA. After doing that..no one would want to own one. Have someone do it for you? $$ plus what self respecting gear head wants someone messing with their engine?...we all know they fix one thing and break another. The primary problem (among others) is there is no fuel being sprayed onto the backside of the intake valves which is where the carbon buildup occurs. However, our "dated" VQ37 MPFI has no problems with carbon build up. Some DI owners in denial will claim this does not occur but it takes time for this carbon build up to manifest itself and when it does symptoms include:
Drivability issues, engine not running smoothly
Engine vibration or shaking
Car jerking or surging at stops
Check engine light may be on
Cold start misfires
Sounds like DI is dated technology to a non tree huger who cares more about Performance and reliability.
Reality check: With tight fuel economy standards, this is why we are being sold it is better ..
Dont believe me?...simply type in Direction Injection and Carbon Build up on a search engine and read away....
Here is one: