I'll post more pictures up shortly, but in the meanwhile, I'll share what I have.
The installer who did the job made some minor tweaks to how Semtex's guy did things.
Blinders installed with 3M adhesive tape , Mounting brackets reversed to give additional space between transponders
Decided to not use Blinders switch and used these console switches discussed on a earlier thread. These indeed give a nice OEM look to the install. The middle and pass side buttons are dumbie switches until I find a good use.
Routed Transponder wires driver side. The CPU was tucked away on drivers side. This was far more simpler then removing the tire and taping the in fender
The audio alert is hidden under drives side panels with the CPU. The LED alert is peaking out slightly by A pilar.
Overall, he did a great job installing this yesterday. The one feature about the blinder I didn't care before was the parking assist...which has changed. It was nice last night parking with using the parking assist. I'm sort of thinking about getting a third transponder for the rear now ha. Well know I have to find some State Troopers using a lidar gun.