Thank you for the reply. Yes, I called HAT a few weeks ago. They recommended Off axis as well. I did do Passive this time. I wanted to push a little more power into the mid-bass than active would have allowed. I did mess around with the double sided tape moving them around. To be honest my ears are not what they used to be. I'm not really able to pick up the subtle differences anymore. That P99 is a dam fine deck. I just was not going to put the kind of money into this system I built years ago for my younger son. Plus kids going to stream most his music. I miss my old Zapcos. You will appreciate this from 97. Not a scratch on it. Has about a years play time on it. ITs driving the front stage.

. Still testing the sub section. Testing between single 12 J W6, Image Dynamics IDQ, or a DIYMA R-12.